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Re: The Hitcher
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at 13:19:50
In Reply To: The Hitcher posted by K2 on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at 11:20:53:

> I want to ask Dave to review this movie for the IABBBBM section. I would, but I am not nearly as eloquent as he is.

I'll let him respond definitively if he so chooses (I believe he's out of town at the moment, though), but we get so many requests and there are so many bad movies out there, that it's essentially impossible to fulfill everyone's request. He (and I) take every suggestion into consideration, but, as with Book-A-Minute, our "to do" lists are very long. That's partly why I created the "reader reviews" section -- to provide some coverage for some of the bad movies out there that we're just never going to get to, or at least not for a long time. (The other reason for its creation was to give you readers a voice and some different opinions and perspectives to read.) Posting a reader review, by the way, won't diminish the chances Dave will review it officially later. At any rate, thanks for the suggestion!

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