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Re: Balm Peach
Posted By: [Spacebar], on host
Date: Saturday, November 18, 2000, at 14:16:30
In Reply To: Re: Balm Peach posted by Wolfspirit on Saturday, November 18, 2000, at 09:32:20:

> > > I've been watching a lot of TV lately and I keep noticing that people can't agree on how to pronounce Palm Beach. News comentators from up north (That's anywhere north of Macon, Ga.) tend to say Poom Beach.

> Wolf "how do Wormwood, Kaz!, [Space], and Don say 'palm'" spirit

I'm not entirely sure where Macon, Ga. is, but wherever it is, I'm pretty sure I live north of that. Nevertheless, it's "Pahm Beach" or "Pahlm Beach" interchangably -- depending on how lazy I'm feeling. (It's usually without the "l".) Canadian news channels (who do mention the place occasionally as a result of America's electoral mess) seem to use the same pronounciation.

In other words, it's pronounced to rhyme with "Balm Peach"...but I suppose that might be pronounced differently in other parts of America. Actually, come to think of it, I might be slightly more likely to pronounce the 'l' in "Balm" than in "Palm". Weird.

I have never seen or heard anyone use the pronounciation "Poom".

-Space "Not really a lengthy poster (as this post illustrates), just sometimes has a lot to say" Bar