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Re: Balm Peach
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Saturday, November 18, 2000, at 09:32:20
In Reply To: Re: Balm Peach posted by Dave on Friday, November 17, 2000, at 20:44:29:

> > I've been watching a lot of TV lately and I
> >keep noticing that people can't agree on how to
> >pronounce Palm Beach.
> I may live in Colorado, but I'm a New England native. It's most definitely "Pahm Beach". And don't let anyone tell you the word has an "l" in it. Down East, consonant sounds near the end of words get softened. "Palm" becomes "Pahm", "Car" becomes "Cah", and "Yes" becomes "Ayuh."
> -- Dave

Ayup. :-)

It's called "Pahm Beach" with the 'pom' pronounciation up here in Quebec, too. Not sure if it's due to our geographic proximity to New England, or that it's physically impossible for a French-Canadian to say the 'l' fluently in the middle of 'pahlm'.

Wolf "how do Wormwood, Kaz!, [Space], and Don say 'palm'" spirit

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