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Re: Happy Weekend!
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2000, at 15:03:13
In Reply To: Re: Happy Weekend! posted by Andrea on Wednesday, November 15, 2000, at 14:33:34:

> > I just had to share this with someone [...]
> ...I understand your feelings!
> My girlfriend (my record: 1year and 6 months, the past ones lasted not more that 4 months - only *strong* women can keep up with the pace of my life :)) lives about 200Km far from my city.
> Every weekend I find no problem in waking up early and go to visit her (we like a lot to travel in the countryside; sometimes I drive up to 800km. in a day just to discover some new and interesting city/town/place), instead of sleeping 'til noon as any normal Italian does by Sunday... :)
> It seems nothing special to other people, but I'm discovering that all this is really the life I always wanted (at least, until I collapse and sleep for a month or two).
> AP.

I think you've nailed it there. One thing I have found interesting being over 200 km from my girlfriend is that I now have a greater appreciation for the things she likes to do, and the things that we like to do together. I am generally pretty lazy, putting things off and denying myself the things I enjoy (such as nature, horses, music, art, and writing) in favor of "getting important things done". Now, though, it is rare when I see my girlfriend and so I make sure and make time for those things. On two separate occasions now, we have gone to visit my family on a whim, and those were the first two times I had gone home to see them this year (although they had been up to see me before that). I have gone horseback riding more in the last three months than I did in my entire life before that, and have been on more nature walks (down by the river in Lethbridge or in the coulees by Redcliff) than I had since starting university. Basically, since I now appreciate my time with her, I do the things that we want to do when I am with her. (When she lived in the same city as I did, it was always "I'm too busy this weekend to go for a long walk, and there's always next weekend". Now it's more like "I won't see you again for four or five weeks, let's do something we'll be able to enjoy the memories of until then".)

OK, I just realized that this post is completely not on any topic you mentioned in your post. It's just that your comment about driving 800 km in a day for those sorts of experiences reminded me that I have driven about 550 km each day on two consecutive days for the same sorts of reasons. And, of course, I never regret it (no matter WHAT fuel prices are like).

Thanks for your post, it helped me to consciously appreciate what I have and reminded me of what I need to do more of. :-)

Don "The Monkey'This weekend just got a whole lot better'man" Jackson

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