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Re: Simple Ways to Kill a Kaz!
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2000, at 16:06:54
In Reply To: Simple Ways to Kill a Kaz! posted by Kaz! on Tuesday, November 14, 2000, at 13:54:59:

> Well, the simplist, and perhaps easiest, way would be to use simple poison. Then again, in order to do this, we'd hve to meet each other, and I'd have to be thirsty at the time, which isn't often. Plus, I do always carry something sharp with me, would have to be rather secretive.

Didn't we already try that with the cookies?

> Yet, an easier way to kill a Kaz! would be to launch some ICBMs at his house....but then, I doubt that Canada would like missle launches from the United States

Oh, come on. What's Canada gonna do about it? Get everyone to pile in their cars and drive really slowly in front of Americans? They'd be all polite about it and call up our President (whoever that is) and say something like, "Oh, pardon me Great Imperialist Nation to our South, but it seems that one of your nuclear missles seems to, well, how can I put this delicately? It appears to have gone off. As in off course. No, no. We don't actually have it as a whole unit anymore, no. Apparently, it seems to have gone off and taken out Edmonton. Yes, that's one of our cities. Yes, quite a large one as a matter of fact. So we were just wondering, if you're not too terribly busy or anything, if you possibly could come up here and haul off some of the radioactive rubble. Take your time, no bother really."

But you don't have to worry about that, 'cause some of us down here happen to like the Oilers.

-Faux "The US wouldn't launch a nuke at Edmonton. Quebec, maybe." Pas

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