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Re: Does your vote count?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2000, at 07:22:36
In Reply To: Re: Does your vote count? posted by Minamoon on Wednesday, November 8, 2000, at 18:55:55:

> ~Mina "couldn't vote because my paperwork was tied up in buearacracy" moon

Tell me about it!
This is the way it worked in 1956:
I was living in Murfreesboro, Tn when I went to register to vote. They told me that because I was a student at MTSC, I would have to register in my home town. I didn't even have a home town, but, because my parents lived in Nashville, they said that was it. So I told them I had lived in Murfreesboro for almost three years, I had a job there, got married there and I got all my mail there. I mentioned that I was 22 years old and had met the residency requirement to vote in Murfreesboro.
Hometown, they said. So I told them again that I had no hometown. I had been in Murfreeboro for almost three years, I lived in Nashville for two years, Ft. Pierce, Florida for three years, Neon, Ky for six months, Hazard, Ky for nine years... They interruped and said hometown again. "It must be Hazard," I said, "And I can't afford to go all the way back there. Does that mean I can't vote?"
"Try to register in Nashville," they said. "If they won't take you, come back and see us."
Well, I thought that was the best I could do so I went to Nashville and they said my address was Murfreesboro, so register there. Back in Murfreeesboro (thankfully, only 32 miles away)they said I was a student and had to register in my hometown. Having come full circle, I gave up. Just think! If they had registered me, Eisenhower might never have been elected.
Bah! Humbug!