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The Mysterious Mystery of Brackly Hall
Posted By: rob, on host
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2000, at 11:27:54

This is my first time posting here although I have lurked from time to time. My problem is with TMoBH. I cannot figure out what to do next. So far I have: squashed a cake, freed a bird, found iron silver and gold keys, stood on monuments and giant rocks, dug up a papyrus and had it translated, spun a cross and several dials around in circles multiple times, splashed in fountains, tried to move impossibly large objects etc. In short done every action including looking under carpets in every location multiple times except for the right one. I have a cogwheel, stone head (not on the statue currently) and assorted other items. WHAT NEXT? I can't find anything else to do. Is the solution simple dumb luck? Any help would be greatly appreciated

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