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Re: Ranting on about English English
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2000, at 10:24:21
In Reply To: Re: Ranting on about English English posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, September 26, 2000, at 08:54:58:

> When I was in Russia teaching conversational English, the students had already learned "British" English. Thus, cars had boots and lifts started on the ground floor and took you to the first floor. I was there because they wanted to learn "American" English. I wasn't there to change how they already spoke English, but to add onto it. We pointed out the differences, for sure, but one of the major points was bringing up many of the idioms that are used in "American" English. Taking a raincheck included, I was amazed myself to find out how common idioms are used in casual conversation. My students found this very confusing when I got a bee in my bonnet threw a monkey wrench into the works. By saying how "improper" English is on our side of the pond, you are putting blinders on to your own dialects, idioms, and other facets that make language so interesting. I love hearing different phrases and cliches because they tell you something about the history of that culture and I know that the British Isles are ripe with them.
> Fer"Co' gots the beat"rick

I recently read a Sonic story written by an English girl. It had Sonic taking about getting "kitted up", something that still takes a bit for me to imagine. :) I'm not putting her down for it, it just jars one a little. I assume the phrase means getting equipped, yes?


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