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Re: Ranting on about English English
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Monday, September 25, 2000, at 14:05:56
In Reply To: Re: Ranting on about English English posted by Chrico on Monday, September 25, 2000, at 13:28:12:

> OK, I concede - maybe they are the same. I'm just saying that I think that my way of speaking is becoming extinct and being overtaken by American because of the Internet. We're already using the term "Taking a raincheck" due to the Web and TV. What on earth does it mean?

Television went a long way in homogenizing language within countries. There were a lot more regionalisms a hundred years ago than there are now. I suppose homogenizing the world by the Internet is the next logical, inevitable step. Still, I hardly think British English is in any immediate danger. You might pick up some Americanisms; at the same time, "Britishisms" aren't unheard of here. We know what taps and boots and petrol are even if they aren't the terms that spring immediately to mind when we speak of those things ourselves.

A raincheck, by the way, is some kind of piece of paper indicating that you are entitled to goods and services at a later date. If a particular event was cancelled due to rain, ticket holders can pick up a raincheck which would entitle them to a future event without paying again. The term is used more broadly than that, though; the reason you didn't get your product or service or event seating doesn't have to be from rain or weather for the voucher you get instead to be called a "raincheck."

> I am rather biased when it comes to Americans - I tend to think of fat midwestern slobs in caravans with kids called Dwayne and Shauna. I do understand that many Americans are clever and nice people - present company included -

Heh. That's somewhat hilarious. I don't think I know anyone at all that fits that description.

> I'm sure you have your own views on England - I'd love to hear them, as I'm interested by all things incorrect and just love to correct them.

My true views or the common stereotypes I'm loathe to apply in seriousness? I have a great respect for England -- all of Britain, really -- and its richness of culture, history, and class. A proper English accent is about as classy as an accent can be. The English have a remarkable understanding and talent for subtle comedy, although I don't particularly care for the more bawdy variety. I also admire how the English seem to be significantly more versed in English than Americans are. The vocabulary size of the average Brit on the street seems to be much broader than that of the average American (words that are common to both dialects; I'm not talking about word differences here), and I wish I had that kind of command of the English language. (Basically I want to be able to speak like Stephen Fry in casual conversation.)

The stereotype -- well, the most negative one I can think of -- is that the British are stuffy anal retentive tightwads with bad teeth, no ability to enjoy life, and less ability to experience an actual emotion.

While I don't subscribe to these stereotypes myself, I do, in fact, prefer the Americans' ability to more easily and comfortably "let loose" and cast away concerns about image and decorum. (I'm not saying Brits can't do this, but I'm definitely saying Americans do it much more comfortably.) I also bemoan Americans' frequent lack of class, but I guess it's a trade-off, and in that event, I'll take it our way.

> One little snag though - why are we always the baddies in action films? What have we ever done to you?

Taxation without representation. You'll never stop paying for that, you know. :-)

Seriously, probably just because a badguy with a thick, proper British accent simply makes an interesting paradox of a character. I'm not going to go far with this conversation, because the political correctness movement to pick on badguy selections (usually the specific one under contention is the "Arab terrorist") is absurd, especially since the fat greedy American business tycoon slob isn't met with reciprocal concern. Thank heaven.

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