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Re: What do you have against thinking?
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2000, at 07:40:49
In Reply To: What do you have against thinking? posted by Ferrick on Wednesday, September 13, 2000, at 10:51:32:

Ok, let's take a community that we are all very much involved in. Rinkworks. Now lets say that the vast majority of people decided that they are against posts that us multiple !!!!!s, ALL CAPS and so forth. Is the webmaster wrong to take off the posts, or kick people out of Rinkchat for speaking as such? Isn't it their *right* to do so? Freedom of speach, right? They can say whatever they like, right? Wrong. We *don't* want to deal with it, so why should we have to? Let them go somewhere else and speak *freely* (even though, IMHO, their speach is childish and immature, they can still speak it) I know several places where people like that will fit right in. AOL, for example. ;-)

I don't see taking a book out of a library, or a community as a *bad* thing. Burning that book? Yes. Very bad. You can still get (as an example) Harry Potter from online (or a bookstore, or a public library) if it's been taken out of the school library. Smart parents (again, IMHO) will read these books first if their (young) kids decide they want to read them.

And isn't that another form of *censorship*? A parent deciding that they won't allow a certain book in their house? A family is a community in the smaller sense of the word.

The answer to that is, of course not! How silly!

Anyway, I've gone on long enough. I hope that you all get my point. And if the majority of you all decide you don't want to read my drivel, feel free to ignore me. :)

Ti'of course, you don't know that's it's drivel until you've read at least *some* of it...'cia

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