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Posted By: unipeg, on host
Date: Thursday, September 7, 2000, at 19:06:52

My brother is at college now. I miss him. He was honestly my best friend, and we've gotten e-mails from him and stuff, but I still miss him.

At this time next year, I'll be at college. With any luck, at the same one as my brother, I adore the place. I'm afraid I won't get in though.

When I go, you people are the only ones who will remain constant in my life. Isn't that odd? Everything else will change, and I'll even know my brother in a different context, but you will all be still here on the Rinkworks pages.

Rinkworks is hard to explain, so I don't. Most of my friends don't know about my addiction here. Isn't that weird? I just never talk about it.

I'm taking Photography. There are some pictures I've wanted to take for 2 years with black and white film, and now i get to. I'm excited.

I should have gotten a purple squishy cow when I was at Williams. It would make life that much better.

Crying is a healthy thing. You start gulping for air and you look icky, but you feel better afterwards, really. Try it sometime.

I'm really quite pretty. It's sort of a random thing to notice, and it's random that I'm only realizing that now, but I am.

I can't wait to get my braces off. I've had them for 5 years and i hate them but my teeth are almost straight and I'll get them off in just a couple months. So I'm excited.

There might be something very wrong with me. Every now and then, I get this weird pressure in the right side of my chest and it gets all tingly and sometimes it spreads down my arm and it's really weird. So I finally remembered to tell my parents (because it happened when they were around) and now I'm going to the doctor's on Monday and I'll probably get sent for special tests. It's kinda scary.

I'm in an ultra-spiffy Shakespeare class. It rocks. The second meeting is tomorrow, and I'm sooo psyched.

Guys make no sense. But I've said that before.

uni"most of those were rather serious..."peg

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