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Re: Something else to think about...
Posted By: Sakura, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000, at 15:59:43
In Reply To: Re: Something else to think about... posted by Wolfspirit on Tuesday, August 15, 2000, at 15:15:47:

> > > Saku"had to do a report on this last year and was troubled by a few of the things she found"ra
> Like what troubling things, please?

I can only remember two offhand (and only a little of those), and that's probably about the extent of it, anyway.
I vaguely remember some Internet article I came across (the location of which I've long forgotten) about humans having less free will than we think we do because we react unconsciously to so many things. Or something like that, anyway.
And then there was my fear of humans being obsoleted if we created a sentient AI (which I don't believe we can, but that's besides the point). *wry grin* Right now, I'm embarrassed for actually worrying about either.

Saku"Gullible and paranoid is a very bad combination"ra