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more movies
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, August 7, 2000, at 17:32:14

I went to the "Erin" picture yesterday and had so much fun I went to another one today. This one was a PG epic about a dog named Skip or something like that.

Ok. I've seen better movies and this one wasn't a very original plot if it had one. But I did enjoy all those antiques. (Remember me - the antique dabbler?) Since the story was set in the early 40's, everything in every scene was from the '20's, '30's or '40's. Cars, bicycles, furniture, clothes, toys, -- everything! (Well, there was one minor exception. It was one of those industrial tricycles made for use in day care centers. It looked old, but they have only been making them for a few years.)

Having seen the '40's when they were new, I was amazed to see what appeared to be a Little League baseball team in fine new uniforms. I don't remember ever seeing or hearing about LL teams before the late 50's, and kids didn't get uniforms like that especially in rural Mississippi during WWII. It also seemed strange to see all of those beautifully maintained cars buzzing around at a time when gas and tires were severely rationed and almost all mechanics were in service. I remember playing ball in the street for hours without being interruped by a passing car. Most people only had an A card which was good for 3 gallons of gas a week and cars only got about 15 miles per gallon. One family I knew walked all week so they could go visit their relatives on Saturday. They lived 20 miles away.
Skip was a cute dog.

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