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Re: Reader Poll
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 14:29:19
In Reply To: Re: Reader Poll posted by Corrino on Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 12:30:22:

> > What about bungee jumping?
> >
> > Cheez "make sure each end of the cord is firmly attached to something, preferably you and the tower" Liz
> Or Billiards! Yeah! What about Billiards? Or maybe international basket weaving...or weasel training...or even shallow grave maintenance!
> Cor"I might as well give up the quote fitting in the middle of the name thing...and Billiards was actually serious."rino

I think air hockey should be a sport. :-) Or - my personal all-time favorite - Calvinball, as in the one from Calvin & Hobbes. I have actually played this, and it is one of the most enjoyable things you could ever possibly do in your life. Full-contact ping-pong follows much the same rules, just with smaller balls and weapons... er, paddles.

On a more, eh, conventional, note, I would've chosen gymnastics or swimming were they options.

-Fob"some people play *organized* sports?"ulis

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