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Re: Reader Poll - Bowling
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2000, at 12:49:15
In Reply To: Re: Reader Poll posted by Rivikah on Wednesday, August 9, 2000, at 10:11:25:

> > I am personally disappointed that Ten-Pin bowling isn't in the list as well. (I have to call it Ten-Pin to distinguish it from the othe rtypes of bowling we do in the UK, like in cricket.) It is my all time favourite sport since discovering it at University. I currently have an average of 170 and a personal best of 254. I will get a 300 game one day, I will!!!
> >
> > Beasty
> No no no. Ten-pin always tries to rip my thumb off. Five-pin is so much better.
> Rivi "even though I'm no good at either" kah

I have to agree with Beasty, you must be doing something wrong. It could be something as simple as choosing a ball with too small of a thumb hole. The only pain you should experience whiole bowling would be one of the following:
· Pulling out your shoulder because you've exerted yourself too much with a ball that is too heavy

· Squishing your foot into a rented shoe that is too small because they were out of your size

· Bruising your bum when you lost balance trying desparately to not step over the line

· Burning your retinas upon seeing the terribly obese gentleman in the next lane bend over and force you to see something that mankind should never have to

If your thumb hole is large enough and you use that little fan blower dealy to dry your fingers, you shouldn't have it nearly ripped off.

Tra "Are pro bowlers considered athletes?" nio

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