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Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 00:26:35
In Reply To: Re: posted by Howard on Saturday, August 5, 2000, at 17:26:16:

> Since I have been posting here for eleven years, I feel that it is my duty to inform you of some of the rules and traditions of Rinkworks.
> 1. It is the custom here to explain where you got the name under which you are posting. Unless, of course, it is your real name, and you are wondering where it came from yourself.
> 2. Sam's word is Law. We don't call him Law anymore, and nobody remembers why we call him Sam.
> 3. Punctuation is required, but to heck with spelling. Capitalization is limited to the first letter of words in certain locations. Never post in all caps. It is considered very TACKY. Subject-verb agreement are expected and run-on sentences is not allowed except when necessary and prepositions are the wrong thing to end a sentence with.
> 4. Never ask questions about rule six. It will only lead to trouble.
> 5. Bad jokes are good, but good jokes are taboo, kapu, and/or not allowed. Puns are okay in moderation.
> 6. deleted
> 7. You will find people from numerous countries here, so be careful not to say anything that will insult them dern foreigners. Flemish jokes are out.
> 8. Always tell the truth. Nobody will believe you anyway.
> 9. Avoid taking anything too seriously.
> 10. It is expected that you will file a trip report as soon as you return from where ever it was that you went if you go anywhere. If you don't go anywhere, a trip report is optional.
> We try to keep them to 100 words or less.
> So there you are. Forget that I told you this and you will have a lot more fun on this forum.
> I use my grandfather's name.
> Howard

Howard, I would just like to tell you that this post made my day. I've had a very weird day, so I hopped on my computer as soon as I could and looked at the message forum. I got my much-needed dose of fun and amusement.

I would ask how you have managed to post here for eleven years, but I think I'll just ignore that little factoid for now. As a side note, be prepared for Kaz's trip report. It will most definitely exceed 100 words.
