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Re: Back a bit early
Posted By: codeman38, on host
Date: Friday, July 28, 2000, at 23:40:11
In Reply To: Back a bit early posted by Sam on Friday, July 28, 2000, at 21:25:56:

> Needless to say, I was more than a little ticked off at this point. I was even MORE ticked when I saw that the guy had Quebec licence plates on his car.

Here's where I *started* getting suspicious. Believable, yes, but the coincidence was quite amazing, heh...

> Leen started screaming at me then, but I can't remember what she was saying, as I was focused on that stupid "Je me souviens" on the retard's licence plate. What the heck does that mean, anyway? Sounds like "I smile at myself" or something. Stupid frenchies.

I started to get more suspicious here, especially after the last sentence of that paragraph. But then again, when you've snapped, you do tend to get a bit irrational, eh?

By the way-- great job on the "Je me souviens" joke. :)

> The other guy's car rocketed off the road and smashed headlong into a tree. Lucky for us, we were in a perfect position (backwards in the middle of the road) to see the guy's car explode. It was beautiful!

All right, I know *something's* up here.

> All the reds and oranges mixed with some weird greens from what I guess was the burning paint on his car or something. Or maybe it was his SLIME FILLED BRAIN that was burning! HA HA HA!

Nah. Sam couldn't have snapped *this* much, heh.


> And if you haven't figured it out yet, this isn't Sam at all, it's Dave having some fun. I'd love to hear at what point you, the reader, figured out this was all a silly joke.

Well, now y'know, Dave.

-- codeman"je ne me souris pas; je souris à Dave"38