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Re: Oceans and pies
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Sunday, July 16, 2000, at 19:14:20
In Reply To: Re: Oceans and pies posted by Wolfspirit on Sunday, July 16, 2000, at 18:55:28:

> Alright. What's an Ocean pie? What's a Moon pie? What's a shoe-fly pie? At least, I do know what an "Eskimo pie" is supposed to be like...
> Wolf "grew up dessert-deprived" spirit

I thought moon pies were those *horrible* Chinese soft dumpling thingies with beans inside, that you get on the Eighth Moon festival? But surely Wolfspirit would have heard of them if so. Maybe they're translated differently elsewhere.

No idea what ocean or shoe-fly (or should that be shoo-fly?) pies are, but I used to like Eskimo pies when I was a kid. They weren't a pie and they didn't involve eskimos, but they were right up there with Chocolate Frogs, which were the other thing I used to buy from the dairy at the beach.

I was amused to see that Chocolate Frogs get a mention in the Harry Potter books as a magical candy. Around here they were a big pink marshmallow vaguely frog-shaped object covered in chocolate, which cost about 20 cents. I haven't seen them for decades but then I haven't really been looking very hard.

Brunnen-"chocolate fish are not yet extinct, though"G

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