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Re: LAN Games
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2000, at 10:56:27
In Reply To: Re: LAN Games posted by Dracimas on Tuesday, July 11, 2000, at 07:00:21:

> > > Ok, here's the deal. I have setup a LAN in my house. Each of my 2 kids has a 486 DX 33 machine in their rooms. I have networked those to my P-233 and have been playing virtual pool. The problem is that pool is the only game we have that I want them to play. The oldest is 9 and I don't really want her playing 1st person 3D shooting type games. Not to mention that she really doesn't want to anyway. My delimna is that I can't seem to find any checkers, chess, hangman, etc. type games that'll setup across a LAN. What I have found that can use TCP/IP requires an internet connection before it'll connect to the IP. I'd really like to be able to get some games we all can play. Any suggestions?
> > >
> > > Drac "Is having a 24 port hub for 3 computers considered overkill?" imaS
> >
> > The windows 3.1 game Hearts is a networkable game, I seem to recall.
> >
> > Beasty
> It is in 9x too. But I was looking for more of a selection. Thanx tho.

Some of Hasbro's PC versions of their board games might work across a LAN. I've got Risk for the PC, which is quite fun, although I haven't tried it over a LAN or over the 'Net. I believe Stratego and Battleship are also available.

Then there's Wheel of Fortune and other such games, although I'm unsure whether they're designed for LAN play. I was thinking that an older and less aggressive racing-style game might be fun to play head-to-head over a LAN, but I can't think of one that would run acceptably on a 33MHz 486 DX CPU.

I'll post again if I come up with some ideas that I can verify as being LAN-playable.

Iss "There's always the Chex-Mix total conversion of Doom :-) " achar

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