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Adventures with Speedball
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Monday, July 10, 2000, at 19:15:33

Adventures with Speedball or What I did the first half of my Summer Vacation

Act One
Saranac Lake, NY

After leaveing Elmira College I found myself at home in Saranac Lake. June had only just begane and my Sister was going to gradute at the end of the monthe. My Grandparents (both sets) came to visit. No internet, limited soda, almost no chance to watch TV (Grandfather Couch Potatos) and oh yeah, we were moveing out the week after my sister graduted. And planning a graduation party, and makeing arrangements for my sister to stay in Saranac Lake for a few weeks. Tensions were high, nerves were fraying fast.

Fortunatly the graduation and the party went off with out a hitch, as did the packing and moveing. My sister stayed some one to stay with and I got the e-mail addresses of several friends.

While my sister stayed behind my mother, father, and I drove down to North Carolina. With the dog. And a U-Haul trailer. In two cars. My father, the dog and myself listened to the third Harry Potter book as a BOOK-ON-TAPE.

Once in NC we begane house hunting. I hate house hunting. My mother and I also began to look fro jobs. She as a elementary school teacher, me as what ever, I just need money to go back to school with. My Father works in purchasing at UNC Chaple Hill.

Just to day both my Mom accepted a job offer and we started to close on a house. I, on the other hand, still don't have a job, which stinks. Oh well.

My Birthday is one week from today, on the 17th of July, next Monday. The X-Men movie comes out on Friday. My Sister comes down here on Sunday. My Mom is going to meet the other teachers she will be working with tomorrow.

I don't know how often I'll beable to get on-line, but it might be more often now. Lets hope so.


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