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Re: New, Modified Eliza program!
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2000, at 00:10:15
In Reply To: New, Modified Eliza program! posted by Kaz! on Tuesday, July 4, 2000, at 21:06:13:

> Remember the Eliza program that Nyperold showed us at Isn't it annoying? Don't you wish you could whack, shoot, ahck or kill it? If not, this is probably not a good post for you to be reading because it is kind of twisted. If so, however, Kaz! has a solution for you! Yes, indeedy, it's the new and improved version of Eliza, with new stress-relief features! I programmed it tonight in BASIC (Yeah, I'm a wussy programmer, so sue me) in about an hour and a half, so there are some bugs, but not many.
> To get this program, go to and log in as "can_o_trash". The password is "junk" (all lower case). This will allow you to download the executable. You're on your honor not to delete anything or change the password while you're in there, otherwise I will be slightly put off, as will anyone who wants the program after you.
> -Ka"Have fun with the NEW Eliza"z!

Kaz, what will you come up with next? First of all, I got a kick out of the fact that we could get the program through hotmail. Second, the program rules, and that's all there is to it.

Do you think that if we put your program and my bazooka together, we could convince your parents that all people on the Internet are harmless and good?

Ell"Also known as the bazooka-wielding psychologist who whacks her patients with arsenic-laced cookies"myruh