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Re: Handles
Posted By: Diane, on host
Date: Thursday, March 4, 1999, at 14:26:08
In Reply To: Handles posted by Darien on Thursday, March 4, 1999, at 11:58:36:

> I was just browsing through the messages from my hiatus a while back (and I now realize exactly what a good idea paginating the message forum turned out to be - loading the "all messages" page took several seconds from my T1 connection!), and I saw a thread from Dave concerning nicknames and such (this message links to that thread at the bottom). This got me interested. I was absent at the time, and many others were either absent then or have shown up since. Any stories behind your names? I'll go first.

Hoo-boy. This is gonna be fun.

Okay, my name's not Diane, folks. Not yet.

See, the person you've come to know as "Diane" is a pre-op transse.xual (take out the period, the message boards won't let me use the full word. :D). On the 'Net, however, I can throw away the shackles of my physical existance, and be the person I really am... Diane.

I don't know why Diane. I just know that when I first saw it in print, it felt...right. It felt like me.

And that's why I go by...
