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Re: Tension
Posted By: gabby, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000, at 17:25:33
In Reply To: Re: Tension posted by Ferrick on Wednesday, June 21, 2000, at 15:07:46:

> > > Has anyone noticed the tension that has been storing up in the message forum? Lately there have been several debates coming close to real arguments in the forum. Debates are good, debates are fun, hopefully we dont get into any wars though:)
> > >
> > > gam"just a thought"bit
> >
> > Interesting that you think so. I've been reading all the posts in the "racism" debate but I haven't spotted much genuine tension there. One thing we seem to be good at here is expressing differing opinions without descending to abuse and personal attacks. We have been getting some good debate, though, with a lot of thoughtful commentary (I'm thinking of the "No TV" thread in particular).
> >
> > As those involved in the Creation/Evolution thread will recall, there's always a solution to debates that turn into pointless and endless circular argument. It's called Sam. :-)
> >
> > Brunnen-"and his amazing magical delete key"G
> I missed some of those debates but I know what you are talking about. I tend to enjoy reading the discussions here more than other sites because they tend to remain civil. My wife reads some TV forums where the people get vicious over opinions about a fictional show. Not over highly flammable issues, either, but things like, "I don't like Johnny," or "I think Johnny and Sue should get together." Scary how people will change (are they really changing, though) when they can hide behind a cursor.
> I definitely have my viewpoints on the hot issues (haven't posted much on this site, though. Fairly new to the forum but not Rinkworks.) but dislike listening to debates about them because people often refuse to listen to both side's arguments and they turn into a never ending session with no winner. I went to a debate in college about whether God existed or not. I felt like it was a huge waste of my time. Neither side was willing to concede ANYTHING and I felt that very few people would have their opinion changed. Fence sitters would probably stay there and opinions would only be strengthened, not changed or pondered. I can't say that this would be the case for 100% of the people there, though.
> I prefer discussing with someone what my points are and what their points are. If my beliefs are well founded and presented clearly, well, that is the best way to affect someone.

That's something about which I've wondered. Does it really make sense to attempt to persuade someone else you're right (even, or especially, if you are) when you yourself have made up your mind to ignore that other side? I don't think it does; I guess it's hypocrisy, since you're telling someone to do something you won't do.

By the way and to prevent misinterpretation, the "you" in the above paragraph doesn't refer to Ferrick or anyone in particular.

gab"You can't convince me to stop eating chocolate, though."by

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