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Re: Potato Poll
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Monday, June 12, 2000, at 19:20:21
In Reply To: Re: Potato Poll posted by Cheez Liz on Monday, June 12, 2000, at 17:02:36:

> > Mashed potatos are actually my *least* favorite way to eat that blessed tuber. It's not that they don't taste good; they're just so bland and uninteresting.
> >
> > Gri"Can you tell I am excited about potatoes? I wonder what PotatoKnight will have to say about this poll?"shny
> Yes! Someone will agree with me! I've never understood what the big deal is about mashed potatoes! They dry your mouth out and there never seems to be enough gravy to cover them! If I'm missing something here, will someone kindly fill me in on what it is?
> Cheez "I think I may have digressed somewhere in there" Liz

What you want is sour cream and/or roasted garlic mashed in with the potatoes--food of the gods!

Koala "the food I'd choose if stranded on a desert island and could only eat one thing-uh,er,no, that would actually be chocolate, wouldn't it, never mind" mom

P.S. You could always tell when it was tater tot day at our school cafeteria because the line stretched out the door.

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