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Re: Goodbye
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2000, at 06:03:27
In Reply To: Re: Goodbye posted by Mia on Tuesday, June 6, 2000, at 12:02:35:

> > I guess an explanation is needed. I was the one who posted as "Anonymous" a while ago. I thought I had the problem in hand by myself until a little while ago. Then something bad almost happened. It may try to happen again. I don't even know that I don't want it to happen. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, but everything just seems confused now and I thought it might be best for everyone if I wasn't around. And I suppose that's it. Thanks to everyone who replied. That was nice.
> BK, Believe me when I say I understand. I truly do. The thing is, a couple of months ago the doctor put me on medication for depression. It helped until I went off of it. And now that I don't have it, it is much harder to control it by myself. I know how you feel. Sometimes I feel like curling up to die somewhere, but it's not the answer. The most I can emphasize to you is talk about it and seek help. We're here for you, and if you think you are a bother, you are wrong. We care about you. We really do.
> Mia

Most people don't realize how common depression is. Some people who have it just live with it and never seek help. That's sad, because it's easy to treat. Sometimes it's almost too simple. I guess that seasonal disorder that causes so much depression is the easiest to treat. Once your doctor identifies it, you may only need to increase the light levels in you environment. I've seen it work. In winter, you need brighter lights in your home. You may need to spend more time in a room with big windows. Or increase your outdoor activities.

Lack of light is only one cause of depression, but I'm betting that many of the other causes are just as simple if you can figure out what they are.

I'm not prone to depression, but I did get to feeling a little low last month. I had thought I was through with medical tests for a while and darned if they didn't think of another one that I hadn't had! They said it would be a couple of weeks before the results were ready and I knew I would go bonkers just sitting around and waiting.
So I took a week in the sun on a tropical isle and came back feeling fine. The test came back positive for a bacteria that could cause ulsers, so they gave me two weeks of nasty-tasting antibiotics and said that should take care of it.
Sometimes depression is even easier to treat than bacteria. But first you have to get a professional to figure out what treatment you need.