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Looking for California locals (with a spare room for 3 weeks ?)
Posted By: Harm and Leonie, on host
Date: Sunday, June 4, 2000, at 01:45:25

Hello there,
We hope one of the locals we send an email are as open minded as we because up till now no reply from the former emails we send.

Let's first introduce ourselses :
We are : Born and raised in the Netherlands and living and working here (Rijswijk, ZH) all our lives
which is connected to The Haque which is the capitol of The Netherlands
We are : Harm 50 and Leonie 44, married
We are : Loooking for California locals to become friends (we hope) and who have a spare room
We want : to visit California maybe (if we can get the money together) next year during our (expensive, see a few lines down) vacation
We hope : that you are going to be this person and don't mind letting us use that room for 2 or 3 weeks next year
We hope : you are going to visit Holland someday so you can be our guest.
We hope : that if you don't have this spare room that you are willing to ask around (friend, relative, co-worker, . . .)
We have : a lot of humor and hope you are also a person who likes to laugh
We hope : to find someone who live in or close by Sacramento San Francisco, LA, Hollywood or Las Vegas that would be nice.
We want : to visit San Francisco, L.A., Hollywood and Las Vegas (of course, we stay tourists)
We hope : you know some great spots that all the tourist miss just because they don't know
We like : outdoors (when the sun shines), tennis, bridge, music (60-70's)

We always want to get in touch with local people because that's the way to do other things and meet other peopl than just playing tourist.

Why don't we take a hotel or a motel I hear you thinking well here's why :
We earn in guilders (FL) as you earn in $ but to get $ 1 we have to pay fl 2,25 so if you understand what we are
saying america is a very expensive country to visit for us because we have to multiply all the usa prices by 2,25.
Harm is working as a supervisor / engineer and Leonie is a management assistant.

Well this is all for now, if you can have us or know somebody (friend, family, relative, co-worker) who will then please let us know.
we prefer, if we maybe so rude, locals between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Maybe we even become friends with you or with the persons who we are going to stay for the 2 or 3 weeks vacation

Thanks for replying
Harm & Leonie

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