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Re: movie comment
Posted By: gabby, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000, at 14:48:44
In Reply To: movie comment posted by Howard on Tuesday, May 23, 2000, at 08:08:11:

> If Mission Impossible II isn't any better than the first turkey, it will be impossible to sit through it. MPI was high on my list of the worst movies I ever saw.
> Howard

What?! I loved MI:1, except for the lousy choice of the bad guy.

My mother and I had heard all about the many supposed plot gaps, but after we went to see it we discussed it: neither of us had noticed a single gap or inconsistency. Either there were none or they were so small they didn't matter.

We decided that, perhaps, people just need to read more. Not everything in a story should be explained in great detail. In fact, I enjoy it more when significant (but not vital) information is never clearly stated at all, but prefer it when the author/director forces you to think.

Of course, you may have disliked it for entirely different reasons, but that was my take. I also agree that I hate spoilers. They simply ruin movies.

gab"That's why I avoid them"by

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