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Re: Cool? Heh
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000, at 09:58:06
In Reply To: Re: Cool? posted by Tranio on Monday, May 22, 2000, at 16:28:57:

> > Brunnen-"I *did* feel cool in that simulator, but they let us take a nice hot shower afterwards"G
> The truth is, B_G, your 1% of total coolness totally blows away any coolness by us regular folk. Granted, you do have to deal with the mundane as do us all, but the difference is when someone might ask, "What is the coolest thing you've done this week?" You've got a real answer.

A cool thing I did this past week? Well let's see. How about... Adventure! Excitement! Danger! Wild rocking and chucking and spinning and *cough* *caff* Diesel fumes!! *cough*

Yep, I guess I had some of that :-) For the long weekend in Canada (due to Victoria Day), I went to visit one of those travelling amusement parks -- of the kind that get erected overnight in a local parking lot. I'd never been on a slingshot carousel pendulum, or a sky-diver type of ferris wheel before. And certainly never on rides where the user could control her own rate of spin or even stop it dead. Naturally, my sister and I were yelling and spinning upside down and changing the direction of rotation of our gondola every few seconds.

Hey, there must be something intrinsically 'fun' about subjecting your tender little self to extreme disorientation. So there. :-)

> I can't think of a single thing, myself.
> Gee, that one day when I was at a store and my brother called me on my cell phone, and I got to stand there and act all important. Yup, that was pretty cool. Or, maybe this morning when there wasn't a whole lot of traffic to deal with, and I actually had a reasonable commute time. Way cool.
> Teaching my daughter to hang by her ankles on the swing set?? Is that cool?

Of course that's cool. I'm sure your daughter thought so!

> Tra "Finding a good sale on juice?" nio

Was it a fire sale on prune juice? :-)