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Re: Cool?
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000, at 16:28:57
In Reply To: Re: Cool? posted by Brunnen-G on Monday, May 22, 2000, at 16:09:37:

> >
> > > Ok, this just needed to be said. You are easily the coolest person I know.
> > >
> > > -- Dave
> > >
> > > P.S. Are you sure you won't marry me? ;-)
> >
> > I was about to say the same thing! (Excepting the nuptial proposal, of course.) Guess I will say it, then.
> >
> > Wow! That's cool! As are you for doing it!
> >
> > gabby
> Er. Wow. People think I'm cool? Thanks, but you're letting yourself in for a big disappointment if you ever meet me. I'm the least interesting person for miles around. It's just that the 1% of my life which *is* interesting is what I tell people about here. I could tell you all the details of the HTML errors I fixed today in my day job, or how I vacuumed the hallway yesterday, if you like.

Awesome!! Is it a canister or an upright? Did you use an attachment to get into the corners?? Why only the hallway? Not that it would make you any *less* cool to learn that you vacuumed any adjacent rooms in conjunction --'cause it wouldn't.

> Brunnen-"I *did* feel cool in that simulator, but they let us take a nice hot shower afterwards"G

The truth is, B_G, your 1% of total coolness totally blows away any coolness by us regular folk. Granted, you do have to deal with the mundane as do us all, but the difference is when someone might ask, "What is the coolest thing you've done this week?" You've got a real answer.
I can't think of a single thing, myself.

Gee, that one day when I was at a store and my brother called me on my cell phone, and I got to stand there and act all important. Yup, that was pretty cool. Or, maybe this morning when there wasn't a whole lot of traffic to deal with, and I actually had a reasonable commute time. Way cool.
Teaching my daughter to hang by her ankles on the swing set?? Is that cool?

Tra "Finding a good sale on juice?" nio

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