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Re: I'm Baaaaaaack!
Posted By: Diane, on host
Date: Monday, March 1, 1999, at 12:03:15
In Reply To: Re: I'm Baaaaaaack! posted by Darien on Sunday, February 28, 1999, at 17:22:39:

>What game may that be? It sounds interesting

Aliens Online, based on the Alien saga (Alien, Aliens, Alien3, and Alien Ressurection), although it's set in the time of the movie that gives the game its name.

You can play a Colonial Marine or an Alien. As an Alien you can play a Drone, a Face Hugger, and eventually a Queen. Marines have various MOS choices too.

Unfortunately, as of late, the game's atmosphere has spiraled harder than a stalled Stuka. Hopefully it'll be back to its old self again. :)

Di "This caught on? Oh TRES cool!" ane

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