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Re: I'm Baaaaaaack!
Posted By: Diane, on host
Date: Monday, March 1, 1999, at 21:36:20
In Reply To: Re: I'm Baaaaaaack! posted by Darien on Monday, March 1, 1999, at 19:39:24:

> > >What game may that be? It sounds interesting
> > >already.
> >
> > Aliens Online, based on the Alien saga...
> Ooo... I'll have to check that out. Does it require a software purchase, or is there a trial version available somewhere?
> > You can play a Colonial Marine or an Alien.
> Marines! Semper Fi! Do or die! Kill! Kill! Kill! :-}
> > Di "This caught on? Oh TRES cool!" ane
> Dar "Oh, you have *no* idea! :-}" ien

Okay, here it goes. The link to it is below.

It's on a server called Gamestorm, and it offers a ton of games (including Air Warrior, Warcraft, and a bunch of card games) for $9.95 per month. The Aliens Online software it'll download to your system is 64 megs total, but if you can wait a few weeks after signup to try it out, you get the CD they mailed you and you can install most of it before you sign on, so you just need a few updates.

The one main problem with the game is that it's unbalanced HEAVILY in favor of the Marines... they have a weapon called the Smart Gun... it autotracks, shoots around Marines, and even through walls and doors sometimes. It also takes no skill to use. The people who prefer aliens (myself included) generally don't like this weapon because it's so unbalanced.

Di "More than you wanted to know, right?" ane

Link: Gamestorm

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