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Re: A Problem
Posted By: unipeg, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 14:17:58
In Reply To: A Problem posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 20:34:48:

I take it from your references to homework and the like that you're a teenager and in high school, like me. If not, please forgive me...

I can't say I have any idea what this is like for you, but as a "normal" teenager who has been to the edge of depression and back several times, even to the edge of suicidalness and anorexia, I'm afraid that the anxiety and stress of the teenage years are only making your condition - and yes, I agree with what others have said in that it doesn't sound like some random thing you'll snap out of - worse. Please please PLEASE don't just come to us as your advice in this difficult time - see someone who really can help you.

and, for the record, there is not ANYone on Rinkworks I find a burden or annoyance. I know there are people who think I (as Kiki, anyway) don't much like them. Please understand - if you happen to be one of them - that that is not true. If anything happened to any one of you, I would miss you dreadfully.

If you want to talk, you can always email me at or IM me at KidPeggy... and I'll be praying for you.
