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Re: about:mozilla
Posted By: Tyler, on host
Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999, at 12:55:13
In Reply To: Re: about:mozilla posted by Ginkgo on Thursday, February 25, 1999, at 10:43:24:


That page piqued my curiosity as well, and I did a little research. I have no idea what the signifigance of the number is. Perhaps it corresponds with similar text in the Holy Bible? Here's some more from the Book of Mozilla:

I first learned about the dragon trick here:

The idea is that when you type about:mozilla in the location bar, your little Netscape icon in the top right corner changes from moving stars to a roaring Mozilla (the original Netscape mascot and the old name for the Netscape browser). The aformentioned URL specifies that this only works in registered versions, so I diligently went about trying to register my Netscape programs. Of course, you can't. The latest news is that the dragon was a feature of some ancient Mozilla program, from before I had even heard of the internet.

Another fun trick is control-ALT-F for the amazzing fishcam. There's a bunch more listed here and there. Here's one such list:

It's funny, they do still use Mozilla from time to time. Didn't I see him bounding over hurtles when I used SmartUpdate to load v4.5 just the other day?

Have fun!


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