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Re: ...when I was in college...
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Friday, April 28, 2000, at 12:55:56
In Reply To: Re: ...when I was in college... posted by Faux Pas on Friday, April 28, 2000, at 07:38:07:

> > So what did you do in college? Study?
> Heavens, no. Just pulled pranks like this one:
> I leave for work early Saturday morning to find five black bananas on my black stoop -- my e'er so loving friends and I were in a prank war at the time, obviously they meant for me to step in the rotten fruit. But as luck would have it, they both left for the weekend in one car, leaving the other car in the parking lot. One popped lock later and five rotten bananas were rather not-so cunningly hidden in the car.
> Oh, it was the middle of August in Texas. In a heat wave. And the windows were rolled up.
> The best part was when they got back in town and he told me that they found _both_ bananas I hid in his car. A week later, his car still smelled like bananas and he didn't know why.
> -Faux "back when I was evil" Pas

Beautiful!!! I love it when you can turn something like that around on someone.

Here's a prank I pulled on a large group of people once:

One boring night, I and my friends, Dave and Darrin, decided that it would be fun to stage a little "incident" infront of a large group of unsuspecting witnesses. First, I did a splendid make-up job on Darrin, a black eye, a cut, and a scrape (I was a theatre major, you know). Then Dave, who's not exactly a small guy to begin with, put on a trenchcoat over the top of a ski jacket (he now looked absolutely massive) and grabbed a toy handgun. Being that it was a weekend evening, we knew that the McDonald's parking lot would be full of students from at least two high schools.
We pulled into the gas station about three blocks down and I put the finishing touches to Darrin's face, fresh blood (my own recipe). Then let him run from there to McD's. He stumbled into the parking lot and shakingly told a few people that these guys had kidnapped him and smacked him around a bit; he had just escaped from them, but they were still chasing him (Academy Award nomination worthy).
After a few moments I drove us, Dave and I, into the parking lot looking for him. First thing I noticed: "This is the fullest I've ever seen this parking lot before." Then he spots Darrin and I punch the gas and point the car right at him. I skid to a stop just a couple feet from him. Dave bursts out of the car yelling for him not to move. By this time, we had everyone's attention. Dave grabbed Darrin, put the 'gun' into his back, tossed him across the hood, and into the back seat. We then sped off into the night.

As it turns out, McDonald's closed early that evening, to allow for the authorities to question everyone.

A couple days later, I was visisted by a detective who, with the help of 30 other detectives (or so he said) had finally managed to run my license plate. Evidently this must be much more difficult than one would think. (yeah, as if) He asked who we had kidnapped and where he was now, thinking that he had him stashed in a hole somewhere or worse. I gave his name and number and told him to give him a call. He assured me that he would. He seemed a little upset that it was merely a prank and that no one was actually in mortal danger somewhere. Go figure.

Tra "ahhh, the crazy days of youth" nio