Re: other hilarious sites?
Norkuin, on host
Monday, February 28, 2000, at 14:31:50
Re: other hilarious sites? posted by Howard on Monday, February 28, 2000, at 10:07:36:
> > I live in Moscow, Russia. And I know a russian part of Internet quite good. But recently I've found in a site of one of my friends a banner to Book-A-Minute. So I've researched the content of this site and other parts of RinkWorks and couldn't help LOL all the time. > > Now I'm looking for other sites in English-using Internet which are so splendidly hilarious, too. Give me an advice which sites to visit, which are the most favorite to you all, please.
> I want to point out to you northern types that Norkuin also used the expression "you all." And Moscow is definitely not in southrn Russia. He uses it correctly -- plural of you. > How"minor in English"ard
Hey Howard,
Firstly. I'm female. :)
Secondly. Honestly speaking, I don't understand what was your purpose for writing this message. I don't speak English perfectly, indeed, but I suppose I do it if only enough good for everyone to understand me. Don't I?
Or maybe was it just a praise? So sorry and thank you, in this case, Howard.