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Re: How Do I Deal?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, February 13, 2000, at 06:17:12
In Reply To: Re: How Do I Deal? posted by Sam on Saturday, February 12, 2000, at 22:11:16:

> > I'm scared to death. In 4 months, I'll be officially a senior.
> Heh. Boy, do those fears look familiar. Don't worry. Just don't. There are all kinds of things better worth pulling your hair out over. All the many things and lifestyle changes involved in going to college are scary before they happen, but, seriously, when they actually happen, it's no big deal at all. It will be an adjustment moving away from home, and at first there will be moments when you miss it, but on the whole, you'll be just fine. For all the scariness, the transition, for me, was incredibly smooth.
> It's a BIG change -- don't get me wrong -- but for me it didn't turn out to being even close to as scary as it seemed (and it sounds like you have more anxiety about it than I did).

One thing that makes the transition from high school to the real world easier these days is that we are not involved in a war and there is no military draft. My friends and I, back in the dark ages, all had the Selective Service cloud hanging over our heads. You never knew when you, or your sweetie, would be snatched up and perhaps sent off to a war. Some people didn't come back and some who did were changed forever. I was lucky. My service was between Korea and Vietnam and I never got sent further than Oklahoma. Still, it was not a happy time for a pacifist. I resented every day of it. I guess I felt like I could serve my country better in the classroom.