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Re: Uncharacteristically Deep
Posted By: Jimmy Of York, on host
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2000, at 11:49:36
In Reply To: Re: Uncharacteristically Deep posted by alissa on Sunday, February 6, 2000, at 10:10:59:

> >
> > > Ok, now for number 3, "What is important?" I think I'd change this to, "Who is important?" My list goes straight down the line. God first, then my family, and then my friends. Without them (all of them) my life would be incomplete.
> >
> > Ok, I'm not trying to say anything bad about what you think, or trying to start another religious debate, but I just find it odd that you think God, someone who might not even exist (at least in my opinion, I don't believe in God) is more important than your family.... I guess you're sure he exists though, so, I spose that not existing thing doesn't really apply to you.... I wish I believed in God, that would probably make lots of things easier than just thinking we're just here acause of some accident where lightening hit some rock and turned it into a little creature, who turned into all of us...
> >
> > Jimmy O"I don't like doughnuts"f York
> Don't answer this if you don't want to, but you said you wish you believed in God. What would it take to make it possible for you to?

Well, my parents probably would have had to have drilled it into my head when I was younger, I would need proof to believe now....

> In answer to all those other things. . .well, I know the only reason I'm who I am is because of God. I don't want to get started in a religious debate either, because I don't feel really sure of a lot of things right now. But isn't that what faith is all about? Just because I don't feel sure doesn't mean much. I try to live based on what I know and not what I feel, emotions are so. . .untrustworthy. If I ever doubt in God's existence, all I have to do is look at the miserable person I was before I met Him and I know He's there. The uncertainty comes with other things, church, people, my future, my family. Anyway. . .that's just me, what I'm going through, I don't know if it has relevance to you guys at all.
> My family is important to me, too, and certain other people--well, one other person especially (you know who you are). Right now I don't feel particularly close to my family, but I do love them a lot.
> Now for my deep and difficult question:
> Have you ever been placed in a position you felt totally unequipped for? What did you do?
uhhhhhh, i don't exactly know what you mean...

> ali "hope all that made sense" ssa

Jimmy O"most of it"f York

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