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Least traveled Rinkworker!!!
Posted By: Dracimas, on host
Date: Sunday, January 9, 2000, at 21:09:49
In Reply To: Re: The most travelled Rinkworker? posted by Howard on Sunday, January 9, 2000, at 13:14:32:

> > I was just wondering who the most travelled
> > regular is... I think I just might be one of them.
> >
> > Internationally:
> >
> > Fiji, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands,
> > Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, China,
> > Hong Kong, India, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain,
> > France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Germany, Czech
> > Republic, England, Scotland, Ireland, Borneo,
> > Phillipines, South Africa, Zinbabwe, Zambia,
> > Botswana, Chile, Costa Rica, Belize, and Mexico.
> >
> > Whew.
> >
> > US:
> >
> > Nevada, Arizona, Massechussetts, Texas, Florida,
> > Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado.
> >
> > And I know Howard has done all 50
> >
> > Finchplucker
> >
> Yes, but not much internationally. Just Canada, England, Wales, Guatamala, Mexico, The Bahamas and assorted Carribean Islands. On tap for this summer, Europe and/or Central and South America.
> Judging by your list, you must be at least 85 years old!
> Note: Cruises are fun, but not a good way to see far-away places. You don't spend that much time ashore.
> Howard

Well, I bet I am the least traveled. Outside of Oklahoma:

Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri and Washington D.C.

Yep, that's it. Period. No where else... *ever*!

Drac "Life is a book. He who does not travel reads only the first page. I never was a reader" imas

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