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Re: What's in a name?
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999, at 04:43:48
In Reply To: Re: What's in a name? posted by Wolfspirit on Sunday, November 28, 1999, at 00:55:41:

> > Nothing too special about my name, but I do know a guy named Tyson whose parents named him after a package of frozen chicken. No kidding.
> Generally, we like to think that the more big government keeps its nose out of our private business, the better; but I'm inclined to think the state authority had a point when, a few years ago, a provincial judge in Québec ruled against a couple seeking to name their new offspring: "No, you *can't* name your son 'SPATULE', and that's final!"
> Spatule (pronounced 'spatCHOOL') in French means frying-pan spatula.
> And the really scary thing is... I'm not joking.
> Wolf "What? Everyone knows we have the right to name our first born sons 'Zack Starr'" spirit

Well, I've seen a few names that I think the parents should have thought twice about.

There was a girl who went to the same school as I at the same time, and her name was Holly Wood.

Recently, in the police log of the local paper, someone named Crissmas Carroll(or something like that), was arrested.

In a book called "The Joy of Lex", a man named Safety First says he gets in the paper every time he gets a speeding ticket. (Of course, this book has been around a while.)


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