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Silly LotR rumors
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999, at 08:15:07

I found these Lord of the Rings rumors on-line.

The word is out that Peter Jackson is getting pressure from New Line Cinema
to increase the presence of females in the films by creating two new warrior
princess (Valkyrie type) roles. Initial discussions are to have the women trek
down from the northern hills of the Ered Luin near the Icebay of Forochel and
join the fellowship at Rivendell. New Line's current first choice to play the
parts are Oprah Winfrey and Rossie O'Donnell.

Fran Walsh is a big X-files fan and is trying to persuade PJ to introduce an
extra-terrestrial element into the films by developing a sub-plot that Sauron's
special powers are the result of being a human-alien hybrid, and that Aragorn
is in fact his long lost son.


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