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Re: Why I joined the Coastguard
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 22:48:12
In Reply To: Re: day job posted by Grace on Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 22:37:07:

> What made you join? It looks like a lot of work and stress is involved (physical and mental). . .

Umm, I tend to ask myself that very question quite often sometimes. Let's see. Here are some possibilities: pick your favourite.

1) I like physical and mental stress
2) I'm stupid
3) I want to help people, save lives and make a difference in the world
4) The chance to drive a very, very fast boat, use high tech gadgetry, and ride in helicopters
5) My aunt said it was a good career ... the uniform, the low slung stun ray holster, the mindless tedium ... (whoops, couldn't resist putting in at least one Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy quote)
6) I'm part of a bizarre religious cult which is opposed to sleeping, eating and having spare time
7) It's cool and I always wanted to do cool things
8) I love boats and the sea. I mean I really, really love them. Perhaps obsessed would be a better term
9) Deep down I know that teenagers on jet skis are evil and must be stopped
10) I genuinely enjoy spending my evenings doing mathematical exercises calculating compass headings for variation and deviation, taking into account tidal stream, leeway and heeling error, until my brain explodes

Brunnen-"if you can think of any other good reasons I'd quite like to know them"G

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