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Re: Square riggers
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 22:59:12
In Reply To: Re: Why I joined the Coastguard posted by Grace on Sunday, November 14, 1999, at 22:51:58:

> > 8) I love boats and the sea. I mean I really, really love them. Perhaps obsessed would be a better term
> Have you ever read "Sea Fever" by John Masefield?

Sure, who hasn't? ;-) I can't count the number of times I have almost crashed my car because I've been driving along the waterfront and my head just swivels of its own accord to stare at a tall ship going by. Later on I might see if I can find a website with some pictures of Spirit of New Zealand and Soren Larsen. There is nothing, nothing, nothing in the universe more beautiful than a square rigger. I *want* one.

Actually, this is a source of annoyance to me at the moment, because there is an advertising banner up near the America's Cup village which misquotes it "and a star to steer by." Every time I go past I want to climb up there with a spray can and put in the word "her" which they missed out. Maybe they were trying to be politically correct or something. Urrg, that just makes it worse.

Brunnen-"rewrite the classics and die a slow painful death, that's what I say"G

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