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Re: "st louis USA"
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Monday, November 8, 1999, at 06:00:33
In Reply To: Re: "st louis USA" posted by Sam on Monday, November 8, 1999, at 04:03:11:

> > Even if there was only one person in all of history I wouldn't call that negligible, no person's life is negligible. Every human spirit is sacred.
> Give me a break. I said for the purposes of the question. My point is that human love just can't go far enough, and if a few souls on this earth could make it last beyond my question, they'll surely be out the next round or two of trials. Feel-good sentiment is not helpful here.
> > Basicly what I'm tring to say is that Human Nature is were God truly comes from.
> No way. Wrong way around. What's good in human nature comes from God, and the rest comes from corruption from sin.

If God made everything were did corruption an sin come from?
> > More impressive to me than any idea of an omnipotiant being who can do anything he wants to is that humans, a fragil conflicted and often confussed species has visited the moon, sent satalites out of our solar system, and we're still going.
> What's it all amount to in the end? In a hundred years, we'll all be dead. In a thousand, the world will be unrecognizable to us, and only two or three out of a billion will be remembered. In a million, forget it. A million years -- a billion years -- is all the same in the expanse of eternity. I'm not saying that life is futile, for I believe God put us on this earth to live productive, helpful, and loving lives, but without God, those accomplishments of which you speak do not impress me.

We may only remeber Ceaser, but with out the men of his army he would be nothing. For every great man there are hundreds who helped him. Besides personal greatness isn't what I'm talking about. So we don't remeber the first person to control fire, we still have been building on that.
> > We keep reaching, we thrive under pressure. Did you ever see the Truman Show? I think humanity is getting to the point were we are standing at the door, ready to set out on our own, and we have to decide if we want to stay with our over protective father or be free.
> The "god" in The Truman Show and "God" in real life have very little to do with each other. God created us free. We *are* free. You've heard the saying -- set them free, and see if they come back to you? God did that right from the start. That's why sin is a part of the world right now. God created us with free will because he didn't *want* automatons following him (and nor would we want that, right?). But like any prodigal children, it is the right and just thing to return.

The prodigal son left prematurely, so he returned. But one day he and his brother will have to move on with out the support of their father.

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