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Re: American vs Canadian accents
Posted By: enile, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 1999, at 02:02:34
In Reply To: Re: American vs Canadian accents posted by Sam on Tuesday, November 2, 1999, at 07:05:57:

> > Hey, that's pretty good Faux Pas :-) In conversations with Americans, I've always been taken aback whenever they use the pronounciation "rawt" for "route" -- I literally have to think of what that word means -- because *nobody* says route that way in Quebec.
> Honestly, I've never heard anyone here say it that way either. I couldn't relate to Faux Pas' pronunciation guide in the slightest. Here, "route" is pronounced the same way as "root." But then, does that really tell you anything? If you pronounce "root" differently than I do, that's not very descriptive. Likewise, I would pronounce "rawt" the same as "rot," but maybe "rawt," to you, would mean a slightly different sound.
> The one variation I've heard of "route" is "rowt," as in, rhyming with "out." But we've already determined Canadians don't pronounce "ow" the same way we do, so that may still not help you. :-) But this pronunciation of "route" is not nearly so common, at least in my area of the United States. Maybe in England?

Route is always pronounced 'root' in England, (and, with a bit more vowel sophistication, in Scotland), rhymes with 'suit' and 'boot' - 'rout' here is what happens to an tentative army.

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