Archives: Wreakers of Things
This archive is another one of those chaotic free for alls such as
A Brawl of Ghosts and Evil People and
Rumble!. It started from a comment Ellmyruh
made about overtaking Genlanar in the "number of archived lines" race.
Ironically, with this archive, she did just that.
Ellmyruh: I just 26 more archivable lines, and I can overthrow Genlanar and be part of the Top 10 again.
flyingcats: Overthrow!! Yay!! Woo hooo!!!! YIPPEEEEE!
Ellmyruh: LOL fc. A bit hyper?
flyingcats has left.
RinkChat: User Ellmyruh has been labeled 'The Overthrower' by Ellmyruh.
RinkChat: User Mia has been labeled 'The Destroyer' by Sam.
RinkChat: User Ayako has been labeled 'The Corruptor' by Sam.
* Ellmyruh 's label already fits.
RinkChat: User Nyperold has been labeled 'The Subverter' by Sam.
Sakura: I think he's working around your label. ^^
RinkChat: User Ticia has been labeled 'The Compeller' by Sam.
Ellmyruh: Wow. I set the precedent.
RinkChat: User PacMan has been labeled 'The Afflictor' by Sam.
Grishny: And what am I?
RinkChat: User Grishny has been labeled 'The Conflictor' by Sam.
Grishny: Can I be the ...aw.
RinkChat: User Sundragyn has been labeled 'The Disenchanter' by Sam.
Sundragyn: COOL!
* Grishny points his finger at b_p_e and then at ...flyingcats! YOU TWO. HAVE a CONFLICT. Now.
* Grishny causes a conflict between b_p_e and flyingcats
* flyingcats is already having a conflict with this stupid program!
b_p_e: flyingcats!!! what'd you do that for?!?!?!
flyingcats: bpe! You started it!!
RinkChat: User Sam has been labeled 'The Ruler' by Sam.
* Grishny measures the width and breadth and heighth of RinkChat with Sam.
RinkChat: User Sakura has been labeled 'The Accomplisher' by Sam.
Ellmyruh: How about 'The Constrictor'?
RinkChat: User flyingcats has been labeled 'The Constrictor' by Sam.
* flyingcats constricts bpe.
PacMan: I get back from playing thesims and aparently i am the afflictor
* PacMan afflicts damage to a staple
RinkChat: User b_p_e has been labeled 'The Desiccator' by Sam.
b_p_e: umm...big word...what does that mean? i blame -- FLYINGCATS!!!!!!!!
flyingcats: It means you'rea poo poo head !!! Nyah nyah!!
* Sarya wonders what is going on....
RinkChat: User Sarya has been labeled 'The Suppressor' by Sam.
* Sarya suppresses SAM!!!!
* Grishny points at Ellmyruh and PacMan. You two. Conflict. Now.
* Ellmyruh and PacMan conflict. Ellmyruh overthrows PacMan. Ellmyruh wins.
* b_p_e desiccates (what the heck is that?) flyingcats
* flyingcats is DESICCATED!! (umm.yeah.)
* It has been noticed that flyingcats has been dessicated, or all dried up, by b_p_e, by Grishny.
b_p_e: FLYINGCATS is a POOPOO head and a DUMMY head
flyingcats: BPE is a DRIER-UPPER!!
* flyingcats CONSTRICTS Sarya!
Sarya: HELP!! I'm being constricted!!!
RinkChat: User Ticia has been labeled 'The Enforcer' by Sam.
* Sundragyn disenchants everyone.
* Grishny , all disenchanted, brings everyone present into the conflict
* flyingcats constricts everyone!!
* b_p_e KICKS flyingcats!!!!
flyingcats: BPE is a MANIAC!
* Grishny has conflicts with everyone...
* b_p_e is not CONSTRICTED
Grishny: Ticia, you STINK! Some enforcer! Look at the chaos in this room!
* flyingcats SMASHES BPE!
Grishny: b_p_e, you're the worst desiccator I've ever seen! Look at that Mountain Stream...still flowing strong!
* b_p_e DESICCATES Grishny for conflicting her and FLYINGCATS! GRRRRRARRRRRGGG!!!
* Mia then goes around flirting with all the men and just being all around CUTE!!
Sundragyn: If you destroy everyone, how can you flirt with all the guys?
* Ellmyruh wonders what would happen if she decided to overthrow The Ruler.
Grishny: Ellmyruh, I have yet to see you overthrow anything!
Sundragyn: Do it! I'll disenchant him with the idea of being the Ruler!
Ellmyruh: Yeah, and Ayako can corrupt him!
Sam: Ellie: You just want to be an admin again. Not a chance! I'll fight you with The Subverter and change your moral values to align with mine!
Ellmyruh: Who said I wanted to be an admin again? I just want to overthrow you.
* PacMan will afflict admin abilities to Ellmyruh
Grishny: Mia, you couldn't destroy the broad side of a barn, or something.
* Mia DESTROYS Grishny!
* Grishny survives
* b_p_e does not DESICCATE Mountain Stream because then we wouldn't have any water and then we would die and that would be bad. but it would be GOOD if FLYINGCATS died!!!!!!!!!
* flyingcats does NOT DIE!!! BPE DIES!
* b_p_e IS NOT DEAD! you DUMMY! you can't tell a DEAD person from a LIVE one!!!!!!
Grishny: flyingcats, you couldn't constrict a...a...a FOOFY thing.
flyingcats: BPE isn't foofy, she's a MEANY!!
Grishny: PacMan, your affictions are WEAK
Ellmyruh: Hey, Ticia could enforce the results of my overthrow!
Sundragyn: Or a better one, anyway. :) I'm disenchanting you all! Muahahaha!
* Sarya uses a cough SUPPRESSOR on all the little sick people!!!!
flyingcats: That's cause you aren't a PERSON!! BPE is a little SNIVELING BRAT!
Grishny: Sakura, congratulations! I see that you've accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
* PacMan afflicts mental damage on to Grishny
Sam: I need to hire a Subjector to get Ellie under control.
* Ellmyruh will OVERTHROW Sam's Subjector.
RinkChat: User Ghost_of_Leen has been labeled 'The Subjector' by Sam.
Sam: Ah HA!
Sarya: You can label a ghost?
Grishny: Ayako, corrupt this! PPPBBBBTTH!
* b_p_e DESICCATES flyingcats's WATER and MILK and makes her KITTY FOOD all SOGGY WET!!!!!!
* Ellmyruh has to make sure she doesn't overthrow herself. That would be a bummer.
Grishny: Nyperold is too far away to subvert a snail!
* flyingcats DUMPS the SOGGY kitty food on BPE'S SWOLLEN HEAD!
* Sundragyn accidentally disenchants herself. :O
* Ellmyruh needs to hire a Distractor.
Grishny: Sam, you're the rottingest ruler I've ever seen in my life! Look at the chaos you've created! Your subjects despise you!
Ellmyruh: Then again, a plain old Tractor wouldn't be a bad thing to have, either.
* Mia DESTROYS her cute, lovable, happy, funny, sweet, darling, and lovely little sister.
* Ellmyruh thinks she should team up with Mia.
* Ellmyruh is a sweet little angel.
* Sam invokes The Corruptor on Grishny.
Ayako is back.
Ayako: I'm WHAT?
Grishny: Sundragyn, the only person you've managed to disenchant is yourself! I don't find you the least bit enchanting!!!!
Sundragyn: Grish: That's because I'm the /dis/enchanter.
Sam: Ayako: Corrupt Ellmyruh, please.
Ellmyruh: Quick, Ayako, corrupt Sam!!!
Sam: Corrupt ME? Ok, no you're not.
* b_p_e CUTS her own head OFF because it has ICKY KITTY FOOD ON IT!!!!!!
b_p_e has entered.
Grishny: Sarya, I'm not the least bit suppressed.
b has entered.
_p_e has entered.
RinkChat: User b has been labeled 'The D' by Sam.
RinkChat: User _p_e has been labeled 'esiccator' by Sam.
* _p_e throws b (my head) at FLYINGCATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* flyingcats catches it and throws it at _p_e!!!
* _p_e puts her head back on
b has left.
_p_e has left.
b_p_e has entered.
RinkChat: User Ayako has been labeled 'The Heartwarmer' by Sam.
Ayako: Aww.
PacMan: But that's Stephen's job
* Grishny enjoys causing conflict
* Sarya vies with conflicting emotions.
Whisper has entered.
RinkChat: User Whisper has been labeled 'The Superimposer' by Sam.
Whisper: The Superimposer, hmmm?
RinkChat: User b_p_e has been labeled 'The Prognosticator' by Sam.
b_p_e: NOOOOOO!!!!! not another BIG WORD!!!!!!
* Whisper superimposes impressively.
* Ayako sets fire to everyone's chests.
* b_p_e HURTS Sam (the Ruler)
Sam: Ow! No!
* RinkChat: User Ellmyruh has been labeled 'The Procrastinator' by Ellmyruh.
b_p_e: what the world is a PROGNOSTICATOR??
* Ellmyruh thinks of putting off this overthrowing business.
* Sundragyn would run for her dictionary, but it's too far and someone'd steal the computer.
* Grishny stabs Whisper and Sundragyn in the back and makes each think the other did it.
* Ellmyruh feels Ayako's fire and changes her mind.
RinkChat: User b_p_e has been labeled 'The Nice Person' by b_p_e.
* Whisper gets a dictionary
RinkChat: User Ayako has been labeled 'The Manipulator' by Sam.
* Grishny enjoys having a fiery chest and uses it to cause more conflict
* b_p_e HUGS everyone!!
* Sundragyn disenchants Whisper in imagined revenge!
* Everyone is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,-- by b_p_e.
* Sarya SUPPRESSES herself!
Sarya has left.
Ellmyruh: Ayako manipulated me into keeping my vows to overthrow Sam. Ayako rules.
Sam: NO!
Ayako: I can't be The Manipulator. That's my mom's job.
Sam: flyingcats! Constrict Ellmyruh's overthrowing abilities!
* flyingcats HUGS Sam!
* Whisper superimposes flyingcats onto Sundragyn
Sundragyn: Ack, that sounds painful.
Whisper: Probably.
* PacMan afflicts torn chads at Sam
Morris has entered.
RinkChat: User Morris has been labeled 'The Distractor' by Sam.
Sam: Morris! Distract Ellie from overthrowing me with some of your charm!
Morris: Why? I want her to overthrow you.
* Grishny sets up opposing English and Metric systems, causing Sam to conflict with himself and die
* flyingcats constricts Elli!
Ellmyruh: ouch
RinkChat: User b_p_e has been labeled 'Sam's Protector' by b_p_e.
* b_p_e KILLS Ellmyruh!!!!
* Ticia The Enforcer is here to enforce YOU ALL!!
Leen has entered.
* PacMan afflicts manly charm on himself to distract Morris
RinkChat: User Leen has been labeled 'The Apocalyptor' by Sam.
* Leen ends the world
* Morris KICKS b_p_e and magically heals Ellmyruh.
* Sundragyn disenchants Ticia into not caring.
* Grishny scoffs Ticia's ability to enforce
* b_p_e HURTS Morris!
* Ellmyruh Overthrows bpe just in time to prevent her death.
* flyingcats constricts Leen!
* b_p_e magically UN-HEALS Ellmyruh!
* PacMan afflicts stuff at Leen
* Morris magically permaheals Ellmyruh!
b_p_e: no!!!!!! i've been ... overthrown *gasp*
RinkChat: User b_p_e has been labeled 'The Overthrowee' by b_p_e.
Ellmyruh: MWA HA HA HA!
chad has entered.
chad: hi gusy
PacMan: speaking of chad...
* flyingcats cackles at bpe!!
* Grishny pits chad and Mia against one another in yet another horrible and bloodthirsty conflict
* Mia destroys Grishny.
RinkChat: User PacMan has been labeled 'The Dictator' by PacMan.
RinkChat: User b_p_e has been labeled 'The Protector' by Sam.
b_p_e: who do i protect?
RinkChat: User chad has been labeled 'The Protestor' by Sam.
chad: lost of lables!!
* Ellmyruh Overthrows chad.
chad: cool
Ellmyruh: "cool"??? THAT'S all you have to say???
* PacMan dictates Ellmyruh
* Morris overthrows dimple.
* flyingcats CONSTRICTS Grishny!
* Ellmyruh Overthrows bpe into the lobby.
* Mia destroys the lobby.
* flyingcats CONSTRICTS bpe out!
* Grishny grasps at his throat
* PacMan dictates everyone and then becomes an admin+ even though they don't exist
* b_p_e will protect Our Ruler in spirit!
Grishny: hkkk! hoikk!
* Ellmyruh goes back to her plan of Overthrowing Sam.
* Sam HUGS flyingcats tightly, thereby constricting the Constrictor!!
[chad->Ellmyruh] hi
PacMan: Hey! I am an admin plus
b_p_e: (Our Ruler is SAM!)
* Whisper superimposes stuff, really not having any idea what she's doing.
* Ayako manipulates Ellmyruh with some cookies.
[Ellmyruh->chad] Hi.
* flyingcats screeches at Sam!!
* PacMan dictates the overthrower into overthrowing herself
* Grishny is freed from flyingcats by Sam
flyingcats: SAM!! You can't do that! You'd have to be the HUGGER!!!!!!1
RinkChat: User Morris has been labeled 'The Impaler' by Morris.
* Morris impales PacMan on a pike.
[Ellmyruh->chad] Wanna help? Type /me protests against Sam.
* Ellmyruh picks up a cookie...
RinkChat: User Sundragyn has been labeled 'The Betrayer' by Sundragyn.
* Sundragyn becomes the Betrayer of her own accord and betrays Sam.
RinkChat: User Sundragyn has been labeled 'The Dungeon Dweller' by Sam.
* Grishny dumps a bucket of ice water on flyingcats (cats HATE being wet) and causes her to think that it was Sakura
* Mia frowns. Her destroyees don't seem to care that they are destroyed. Or maybe she's not a very good destroyer...?
* flyingcats chops off Sakura's head! Wait! No!
* Whisper superimposes chad
* PacMan dictates Morris into overthrowing Sam with Ellmyruh
* chad protests against Sam
* Grishny has never been destroyed by Mia
Ellmyruh: Yay chad!!!
* PacMan dictates the pike into removing itself
* Sam imprisons Sundragyn with...
RinkChat: User PacMan has been labeled 'The Imprisoner' by Sam.
Sundragyn: SHOOOOT!!!!
* Grishny roars with hearty laughter at the wonderful conflict he has instigated
* Mia destroys Grishny a second time!
Mia: Ya ha! Take THAT!
* Grishny jumps up and the destruction flies by underneath him and hits Whisper instead!!!
* Ellmyruh drops the cookie and joins chad's protest.
* Ellmyruh notes that it is great fun to Overthrow a newbie by telling him what to type.
* Morris impales Sam in the face.
* PacMan imprisons Sam
Sam: I just can't win. I've spread the power too much.
* Ayako manipulates PacMan with a bribe into letting Sundragyn go.
* Mia destroys Sam's prison.
RinkChat: User flyingcats has been labeled 'The Caterwauler' by Sam.
* Whisper superimposes everyone onto Grishny for spite!
Sundragyn: Hooray for Ayako the Manipulator!
* PacMan unimprisons sundragyn
Vinny has entered.
RinkChat: User Vinny has been labeled 'The Usurper' by Sam.
PacMan: Uh oh
[Ellmyruh->chad] Type /me protests against Mia.
PacMan: Time for a good ole' fashion Fascist government
* Mia destroys the Conflictor!
[Morris->Sam] /label Vinny "The Nose" Pastrati
RinkChat: User Vinny has been labeled '"The Nose" Pastrati' by Sam.
[Sam->Morris] LOL
* chad protests against Mia.
* Grishny , with everyone else superimposed onto him, can impersonate anyone!!!
* PacMan imprisons everyone but Sam
* Ellmyruh overthrows Mia, with chad's help!!!
* flyingcats ...CATERWAULS!! lol
* Mia stomps her foot angrily.
* Grishny morphs into Mia
* Grishny /Mia stomps her foot angrily!
PacMan: Now me and Sam will rule together!!!!
Monkeyman has entered.
RinkChat: User Monkeyman has been labeled 'The Confessor' by Sam.
* Mia destroys Ellmyruh with one swoop of destroying.
* Sundragyn Dungeon Dwells everyone else to distraction. :o)
[Ellmyruh->chad] Type /me protests against Mia some more.
* PacMan imprisons all of everyone's powers into a big glass jar
RinkChat: User Nyperold has been labeled 'The Punner' by Nyperold.
* Nyperold is jarred by this development.
* Grishny /Mia destroys Milwaukee!
* Mia yelps.
* Monkeyman confesses that it is true...
* chad protests against Mia some more.
* flyingcats SMASHES the glass jar!
* Grishny /Mia destroys Los Angeles!
* Ayako manipulates Leen into being angry by pretending to flirt with Sam.
* Ellmyruh survived Mia's destroying because she was busy overthrowing PacMan.
Mia: Woops!
* Grishny /Mia destroys Vancouver!
Sundragyn: NO! My Grandparents are in Vancouver!
* PacMan imprisons everyone's power in an other unbreakable glass jar
* Sam unscrews the jar and gives everyone their power back.
* Ellmyruh , who already had power, gets MORE POWER! Thanks, Sam!
Mia: Oh, dear! It's gone terribly WRONG!
Mia: I....I....I CAN'T STOP DESTROYING THINGS! Grishny! Get OUT of me!!!
* Grishny morphs into flyingcats!
* Whisper unsuperimposes Grishny, cause he's abusing the power.
* Grishny 's morph falls apart in the middle of the morph, turning him into Grishnycats!
RinkChat: User Morris has been labeled 'The Master of Time' by Morris.
* Morris travels back in time and STOPS PACMAN FROM STEALING HIS POWER and then socks him in the gut.
* Monkeyman confesses that it is hard to think of things to confess...
* flyingcats WAILS at the jar, thereby SMASHING it!
flyingcats: Ahhhhhhhhh!
Ellmyruh: LOL!!! Speaking of cookies and being distracted...someone just emailed me with an offer to go get some cookies from him.
* Ellmyruh Overthrows Grishny.
* PacMan gets bored and imprisons himself
* Grishny cats WAILS loudly at Ellmyruh for overthrowing him/her
* flyingcats chops off Grishnycats's head! Ahhhh!
Morris: Look out! flyingheads!
* Sundragyn does some more dungeon dwelling.
* Nyperold dwells on this.
* Mia destroys Grishny a fourth time! "Can't you stay DESTROYED?? Please? For me?"
chad: you guys r weeeeeerd
Morris: chad: So's your spelling.
* Grishny cats' head rolls, and he runs to retrieve it!
* Monkeyman came in to say that he was going home soon but confesses that he found something far more interesting...
chad: sory morris
* Grishny cats SCREAMS loudly, causing a destructive sonic wave that causes more chaos and conflict!
* Mia covers her ears.
* Monkeyman confesses that he is curious to see what woule happen if Elly overthrew him and took his power...
RinkChat: User Ellmyruh has been labeled 'The Evolver' by Sam.
* PacMan is now interested in Ell
* Ellmyruh feels herself Evolving into a Ruler.
Sam: No!
RinkChat: User Ellmyruh has been labeled 'The Devolver' by Sam.
Ellmyruh: What an odd feeling!
* Sundragyn dwells in dungeons and wastes away into a skeleton...
* Monkeyman confesses that his last confession was too late.
* flyingcats 's voice dries up.
* Grishny cats wails in shock as Ellmyruh devolves into a spider
* flyingcats steps on Elli the spider.
* Ellmyruh is NOT a spider.
flyingcats: Elli is a DEAD SQUASHED SPIDER.
* Monkeyman confesses that he finds Elly's new label to be amusing. :-)
* Ellmyruh feels herself devolving back into a ruler without a capital R.
* chad potests.
* Mia clasps her hands together. "Oh, dear. Can't we all just get along??"
Ellmyruh: Heh. chad, you almost got it right. :)
RinkChat: User flyingcats has been labeled 'The Exsanguinator' by Sam.
* Monkeyman confesses that he now fears flyingcats.
* flyingcats grins evilly at Mm!
* Monkeyman confesses that he is now very scared of flyingcats...
RinkChat: User Grishny has been labeled 'The Sanguinator' by Sam.
* Grishny sanguinates?
* PacMan imprisons all the hated feeling in an unbreakble glass jar without a top so the hated mean feelings can't get out
Morris: NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
* Morris impales flyingcats and makes her dyingcats!
flyingcats: Ahhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo!
* Monkeyman confesses that he knows what exsanguinate means.
* flyingcats is looking for a dictionary.
* chad wondrs if elmryuh iz cute
Mia: Don't make me hurt you! I don't want to have to hurt you, but I will if I have to, or yes, I will!
* Ellmyruh still feels some Overthrowing powers in her.
Sam: Ellie! You've got an admirer!
Ellmyruh: ACK chad!!!!!
Morris: Of course she's cute. We wouldn't let an ugly person overthrow Sam.
RinkChat: User chad has been labeled 'The Admirer' by Sam.
Ellmyruh: Blah.
* Morris buys some vowels for chad.
* PacMan lives in peace and harmony
* Sundragyn the Dungeon Dweller squashes everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Ayako manipulates Mia with the gift of a puppy.
* Monkeyman confesses that he would like to confess some things that aren't true because they would be funny, but only if people knew they weren't true.
* Morris believes he understands what Monkeyman means and encourages him to continue.
* flyingcats EXSANGUINATES Grish!!
* Grishny sanguinates himself, reversing what flyingcats did
* Mia clasps her hands in delight. "Oh, a PUPPY!!!!"
RinkChat: User Ellmyruh has been labeled 'The Blushing Recipient of Adorationer' by Sam.
* Ellmyruh sighs.
chad: shes teh only 1 who takls 2 me
Ellmyruh: Huh?
Morris: That's not so. I tackle you too. Watch:
* Morris tackles chad.
* Monkeyman confesses that he would like a puppy too.
* flyingcats exsanguinates Grish TWICE!
* Grishny sanguinates flyingcats, causing her to fill up with too much blood and explode in a burst of crimson liquid
* flyingcats EXPLODES all over Grish!
* Monkeyman confesses that he is LOLing at Elly's new sticky label!
Ellmyruh: /kick chad
chad: now im imbarised
* Ayako manipulates Monkeyman into being her slave by promising him a puppy if he's good.
chad: how do u spel it?
RinkChat: User chad has been labeled 'The Embarrassor' by Sam.
Sam: She's engaged, you know.
chad: no!
* Mia destroys Ayako and takes all the puppies for herself!!!
* Ayako is destroyed.
Mia: If I destroy Ayako...doesn't that mean you are my slave, Monkeyman?
* Monkeyman confesses that since Mia now has all the puppies, he is not Ayako's slave anymore. :-p
* Mia clasps her hands in delight! "Yeah!"
Marvin has entered.
Marvin: Hey everyone!
Sundragyn: I'm just waiting for Marvin to be labeled "the Martian"...
* Monkeyman confesses that he is now Ayako's slave.
* flyingcats exsanguinates herself, causing herself to be whole again.
RinkChat: User Ellmyruh has been labeled 'The Expunger' by Sam.
* Ellmyruh has been labeled 'The Speechless' by Ellmyruh
chad: sory
* Morris thinks "Leen the Apocalyptrix" sounds better than "Leen the Apocalyptor."
chad: but shes nise 2 me
Morris: That's because you're helping out with our revolution. Which reminds me: you're The Embarrassor. Embarrass Sam.
* Monkeyman confesses that if Mia wishes it, he will be her slave... She has the puppies, after all...
* Ellmyruh Overthrows chad.
chad: how do i do tat?
Sam: Tell people about my polka dotted burlap underwear.
Morris: I don't know. I'm just a simple Impaler. And the Master of Time.
[flyingcats->Ellmyruh] LOL, were you telling chad what to do, so he became..attached to you? LOL LOL LOL
* Mia nods her head emphatically. "And you can destroy things for me, because nobody ever seems to STAY destroyed when I do it...."
[Ellmyruh->flyingcats] Apparently. *sigh*
RinkChat: User Marvin has been labeled 'The Upbraider' by Sam.
* Marvin wonders what an unbraider does. Does he make sure the braids aren't on the ground?
* Ayako is still destroyed.
* Mia HUGS Ayako. "Thank you for staying destroyed, Ayako!"
[Ellmyruh->flyingcats] How....odd.
* flyingcats EXSANGUINATES Ayako!
* Ayako collapses in upon herself.
* Monkeyman confesses that he is not very good at destroying things.
[flyingcats->Ellmyruh] Your own fault...LOL, hehehe.
RinkChat: User Whisper has been labeled 'The Revolver' by Whisper.
* Morris destroys Mia for emphasis and recomposes Ayako.
* Mia cries and cries and cries and pounds her fists into the ground.
Mia: That's NOT FAIR!!!!
* flyingcats EXSANGUINATES Mia!
* Whisper revolves
RinkChat: User Sundragyn has been labeled 'The Doppleganger' by Sundragyn.
* Sundragyn becomes a Doppleganger. :) Weeee!
* Monkeyman confesses that he did not know about Sam's polka dotted burlap underwear before.
* flyingcats EXSANGUINATES Sam's polka dotted burlap underwear!
[Ellmyruh->flyingcats] Well, I might as well get a little more fun out of this.
* Morris turns the ground under Mia into mashed potaters.
* Marvin unbraides flyingcats.
[Ellmyruh->chad] Type /me laughs and laughs at Sam's Undergaments, and shows them to everyone!
* Mia likes Mashed Potatoes! "Yum!"
Marvin: Ha! Take that! You have been unbraided! What will you do now, evil do-er?
flyingcats: Psst...isn't it upbraids?
Marvin: Irrelevant.
* flyingcats braids herself again. And EXSANGUINATES Marv!
* Marvin has been exsanguinated and doesn't even know what that is
* chad laughs and laughs at Sam's Undergaments, and shows them to everyone!
* Sundragyn becomes Sam's doppleganger.... Muahahahah!
[flyingcats->Ellmyruh] LOL you rule
Ellmyruh: HA!!!!! chad saw Sam's undergarments!
[Ellmyruh->flyingcats] :-)
* Monkeyman confesses that his autocomplete list is now full of lines starting with "/me confesses".
* Mia wants her slave to stop confessing things...
* Morris impales Sam's underclothes, making sure first that Sam is not actually wearing them.
* Sam employs an accomplice to thwack chad in the scalp!
RinkChat: User Morris has been labeled 'The Thwacker' by Sam.
Morris: The Thwacker? That's not appropriate.
chad: noooo sams a d00d!!!!!!
Mia: Well, of COURSE Sam's a d00d....what did you think he was?
* Marvin unbraids Morris
* Whisper is going around in circles
Marvin: There. Now you're, ummmmm, no longer braided and stuff.
* Ayako is still collapsed.
Morris: Upbraider, not Unbraider.
Marvin: Inconceivable!
chad: i dont wnt 2 see sams undrwear!
Mia: chad: That's nice.
chad: grose!!!!
* flyingcats is bored of EXSANGUINATING.
RinkChat: User flyingcats has been labeled 'The Unfastener' by Sam.
* Sam rules that Marvin unbraid Ayako's spinal cord.
* Marvin unbraids Ayako's spinal cord, but only because Sam said so.
* Mia destroys all the whiners!!!
* Ayako is now collapsed AND unbraided.
chad: moris ur grose
* Whisper revolves over to Sundragyn
* flyingcats cackles!!!
Morris: /label chad Teh Spllng B Chmpon
* Marvin braids Sam so he can unbraid him.
RinkChat: User chad has been labeled 'The Proofreader' by Sam.
* Whisper revolves around Sundragyn
* Mia snickers in Sam's general direction.
Sundragyn: Wow! Whisper revolves around me!
Whisper: You are the Sun, right?
Earthdragyn has entered.
* Earthdragyn revolves around Sundragyn, too.
Earthdragyn has left.
Sundragyn: *blink* Earthdragyn? Do I have an evil twin?
RinkChat: User Monkeyman has been labeled 'The Inflictor' by Sam.
[Ellmyruh->chad] Type /me Proofreads Sam's every word.
Mia: Um....Sam? What are you the ruler OF?
* Mia destroys all that Sam surveys!!!
RinkChat: User Mia has been labeled 'The Rebuilder' by Sam.
Mia: Ah, man! You mean...I have to REBUILD all that you survey??
* Ayako can't do much other than lie on the floor.
[chad->Ellmyruh] y shud i lisen 2 u?
* flyingcats UNFASTENS Ayako from the floor. Uh, yeah.
* Marvin braids Ayako
* Ayako manipulates people into restoring her by emphasizing her pitiful plight.
[Ellmyruh->chad] Sorry about that.
Mia: Sam: Did you ever know that it takes MUCH longer to clean up a mess than it does to make one?
* flyingcats restores Ayako.
[chad->Ellmyruh] ok
* chad Proofreads Sam's every word.
* Monkeyman confesses that he is even more afraid of flyingcats' new label...
* Mia repeats that she wishes that her SLAVE would stop confessing things!
* Monkeyman inflicts annoyance on everyone by being away when his label is changed!
* flyingcats UNFASTENS Monkeyman!!
[Ellmyruh->chad] Type /me PROOFREADS EVERYONE!
* Ayako is restored!
* Marvin unbraides Whisper
* b_p_e KILLS Mia!!
* Mia rebuilds herself and LIVES!
* Whisper wonders when she was ever braided
* Morris is found to have two misplaced modifyers and seventeen hundred eighty-six split infinitives.
* Ayako manipulates chad into proofreading the tax forms for 2001.
Morris: And a misspelling of "modifiers."
[chad->Ellmyruh] i haf 2 go
* Mia begins the long and tedious process of rebuilding all that Sam surveys.
chad: i haf 2 go
chad has left.
* Whisper rebraids herself anyway
* Sam whips Mia into working faster.
RinkChat: User Nyperold has been labeled 'The Hastener' by Sam.
* Sam employs The Hastener to speed Mia up.
Mia: But Sam! I'm TRYING!
* Monkeyman inflicts FRUSTRATION on Mia as she rebuilds!
* Whisper secretly helps Mia
* Monkeyman inflicts SLOWNESS on Nyperold the Hastener!
* Nyperold hastily uninflicts himself.
* Mia puts a brick into place and inspects it....This is going to take much longer than she thought....
Mia: Oh, SLAAAAVE.....
* Monkeyman inflicts FREEDOM on himself!
* flyingcats UNFASTENS all the bricks!!
* Marvin unbraids all the bricks
* Mia becomes frustrated with the brick and kicks it over.
Morris: Listen! Applesauce!
* Mia rebuilds Sam's little kingdom then pushes it over! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
RinkChat: User Ticia has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Ellmyruh has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User flyingcats has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Sakura has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Ayako has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Nyperold has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Sam has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Whisper has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Morris has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Leen has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Mia has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Marvin has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User b_p_e has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Monkeyman has been unlabeled by Sam.
RinkChat: User Vinny has been unlabeled by Sam.
* Whisper is no longer going in circles
* Monkeyman COLLAPSES from exhaustion.
RinkChat: The chat room topic has been changed to 'Wasteland, Steaming from the Freshly Concluded Frenzy of Fury' by Sam.
Morris: What? This topic sucks. I don't want to talk about the East Coast.
RinkChat: The chat room topic has been changed to 'The Evil Cloud of Poison and Death and Stink and Barren Putrescent Refuse That Hovers Over Morris All the Time' by Sam.
Morris: You're right, it does suck to live near Stephen. But he doesn't actually hover over me.
Leen: Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate
Ayako: Whoa, Leen!
Marvin: Mmmmmmmm, chocolate....
Whisper: Dah! Chocolate! Now I crave it.
Marvin: Mmmmmmm, cookies....
Sundragyn: Are you hungry?
Ayako: Are you TRYING to make me go get those Hershey's Kisses out of the freezer?
Leen: Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!! Hungee!!!!
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