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Welcome to All Movie Talk! In this audio podcast, Samuel Stoddard and Stephen Keller talk about old and new movies, famous directors, historical film movements, movie trivia, and more.

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Blooper: Hurt One Hair

The worst kind of blooper is the kind that doesn't get noticed until editing time. Well, not counting the ones that get noticed for the first time after publication by a listener.

But here's a situation where I messed up, then recovered with a second mistake that got by us. I didn't notice until it was time to edit. Sometimes mistakes like this can be covered in editing, and sometimes they can't. Sometimes a sound or syllable can be removed from an undesired word, and the remaining neutral vowel sound can cover for the missing word. Sometimes a missing word is spoken elsewhere and can be pasted in. Sometimes a word or a line can be recorded anew and spliced in. Other times, no matter what one does along those lines, the vocal inflection is all wrong, and there's nothing to do but leave the error in.

Here is an example of that sort of problem, from Episode 48's Pitch segment. The hero of the story is apparently a staunch anti-masochist.

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