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Welcome to All Movie Talk! In this audio podcast, Samuel Stoddard and Stephen Keller talk about old and new movies, famous directors, historical film movements, movie trivia, and more.

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Blooper: Well So Anyway

This blooper is sort of a culmination of a bunch that I've never posted. Even after this many episodes, Stephen and I both have trouble starting segments off. The natural impulse is to segue into the subject with a word like "So," as in, "So, we're going to talk about Christopher Nolan now." Ever since before the show started airing, we realized how we always kept wanting to say "So" to start segments off. We'd catch ourselves sometimes, and other times we edited the segue out, and still other times it made it into the show. Eventually we mostly kicked the "So" habit and then quite naturally used other equally useless words like "Well." Commonly, a recorded segment would start out like this: ", wait, don't say 'so'...*clear throat*...Well, we want to talk today about...."

This is me, recording for Episode 38, still wrestling with this. I'm going to go ahead and blame Stephen on this one. He's the one that started catching himself saying "So" all the time, and that made me conscious of it, and I think it infected me.

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