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Speaking of credits
Posted By: Mikey, on host
Date: Monday, November 1, 1999, at 16:11:10
In Reply To: Re: MST3K posted by Tranio on Monday, November 1, 1999, at 16:08:36:

> > For all the MiSTies out there... do you prefer Joel Hodgson or Mike Nelson? I had an argument with a friend about this. I think Joel has some naive charm that makes him a genuinely funny guy, but maybe I'm mistaken.
> >
> > Mi "Waiting to see 'Alien From LA' on IABBBBM" key
> Be ye not mistaken, for Joel was the best o' the jest. He always had that "I've just recently woken up" naivete quality that really worked for him. It was never the same without him (ssnifff), I miss him (sssniff) so much... now I'm getting all MSTy-eyed.

How long did it take you to figure out why they never show CamBot?

Mi "Took me longer than I care to admit" key

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