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Re: Multiple Clues Requested For EFSM
Posted By: mandichaos, on host
Date: Saturday, July 1, 2006, at 17:37:19
In Reply To: Multiple Clues Requested For EFSM posted by mickerknacker on Saturday, July 1, 2006, at 00:49:39:

> Hey everyone!
> First off, I would like to say Escape From St. Mary's is one of the best if not the best internet game I have ever played and one of the most intriguing as far as text-based games go. I have been reviewing the hint boards for quite some time and still have a few questions... Hopefully you may be able to help. I usually try to finish games completely on my own, but we all need halp now and then.
> My thanks in advance to all those who wish to help me in all of my future adventure gaming endevours...
> Cheers
> My Inventory:
> Beaker
> Blue Paint
> Bottle Cap
> Chain
> Chalk
> Disk with Virus
> Earthworm Sample
> Eraser
> Glue Stick
> Hot-Wiring Instructions
> Mirror
> Lighter
> Photos of Fashion Show
> Screwdriver
> Shirt
> Shoes
> Soldering Iron
> Wire
> Wrench
> My Objectives:
> Your ultimate goal for the day is to get out of school. Before you do, however, you're looking to get your bag out from the classroom where you left it.
> That is, however, not the only thing going on in school today.
> Mr. Anand over at the computer lab is having trouble with a game and is looking for your help.
> Major questions &/or problems:
> 1. The mirror connection to Miss Sarah Perera eludes me. I have unraveled the series of actions to reach the cave to where the code is needed. However, I am unable to uncover Miss Perera's whereabouts to confront her about the code to solving Mr. Anand's game.

Assuming you did smoke out the counselor and read the file first:

Sarah is a member of the club that made the display where you got the mirror from. Did you take a second to carefully READ the original display? (I so wanted to smack myself when I figured it out...)

> 2. Obviously there is some sort of secret area to be found. Could someone please enlighten me?

I would, but then this post would be deleted from the board. But the key to accessing it can be found in an occult book you've encountered earlier.

> 3. I have yet to be able to get near the truck to try out the hot wiring instructions.

Need to get your backpack first. Which requires all the teacher tasks to be completed.

> 4. I can not obtain my backpack. I have tried numerous times to go pack in the past to raise the window to the classroom, but I always return with it down again.

See my last comment.

> 5. Making note that several others in past posts have aquired the rust remover well before the point I have reached shames me somewhat that I am unable to find it.

Well, you're not working on that computer game out of the goodness of your heart. ;)

> I am trying my best but just need a few hints if possible. Thanks ever so much to all... and happy adventuring!
> Mickerknacker

Good luck!

-Mandi aka Chaos

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