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Re: Bad Movie Reader Review Submissions
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Monday, November 1, 1999, at 11:25:58
In Reply To: Bad Movie Reader Review Submissions posted by Sam on Monday, November 1, 1999, at 10:56:02:

> You know, there's a whole aspect of RinkWorks entertainment that you folks just don't get to see. It's sort of a shame, but I'd rather be unburdened with it myself, so maybe you guys are just lucky.
> I'm speaking of reader review submissions we get on IABBBBM for movies that are thoughtful and original yet are rejected because they do not fit established acceptable molds. I've posted about this before (post #6272), but I thought it an opportune time to bring the subject up again, partly because of the recent thread about recent "weird" movies, partly because my frustrations need venting again, and also because, now that The Blair Witch Project has hit video, we're getting a wave of Blair Witch submissions. No wonder Hollywood churns out crap all the time. Movie-goers today seem so incapable of digesting anything with substance that unless what they're watching has actually *already been digested*, they throw it up.
> Excuse the vulgarity. I've finally seen the Blair Witch Project, and while I'm not going to rave over it and call it the best movie of the year, I do think it's a masterful accomplishment. In any case, the criticisms some people are making of it in the reviews we've been getting are maddeningly and obviously flawed. One was simply that it was cheaply made. What the heck does that have to do with anything? If anything, the "cheap" way in which it was shot was to the movie's credit -- you certainly wouldn't have students tromping around in the woods with million dollar cameras. I just don't get it.

Well, I have never seen that movie myself, but I guess that it all depends on what type of movie you like to watch. Personally, I like action and comedy movies, but not romantic or horror ones. Either way, I think that we can all agree that 'To Kill a Mockingbird - the movie' is pretty bad (If you've seen it, and if you haven't I'd stay as far away from it as you can)

-Ka"I wish we didn't have the book as a novel study"z!

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